A great infographic always makes quick work of researching new things. There’s TONS of information out there on herb gardens and we found some posts that made the vast expanse of information BITE SIZED for you to enjoy!
This post has the graphic below as well as additional information about these 5 staple herbs!
This cheat sheet is UK specific, but still a great starting point! Source
Or use this one for a GREAT guide to indoor herb gardening.
Want your herbs to help make you feel better? Check out these medicinal herbs and ways to use them.
Or maybe you want to know what’s what and how to use them in the kitchen. Check out this great guide.
And this one from Cooksmarts. (source)
And at the end of the day, settle in with a glass of wine – but make sure it complements your herbs! Use this guide to make sure!
Ready to start planting? Visit this post for some great ideas!
Pin this post for your reference later!