There’s such truth to the saying “laughter is the best medicine.” The kind of laughter that makes your face hurt? It’s the best! Here’re a few funny videos to save for those days where you need a bit of help getting out of a grumpy rut and back on track!
We dare you not to at least crack a smile at this one. This video is just. so. sweet!
This one proves that kids can fall asleep ANYWHERE!
This compilation is great – LIVE broadcasters getting the giggles! Tears were streaming down the cheeks at about the 8:45 mark!
Alcohol + video camera = crazy funny videos!
This video shows how contagious laughter really is. The best part is that it doesn’t look staged. Just good old fashioned laughter spreading! That’s the BEST!
And we can’t forget the 4 legged friends! Animals are so funny!
We hope your face is hurting once you catch your breath! (In the best way possible) Bookmark this post for times when you need a happy break. What’s your go-to source for laughs? Comment below and let us know!
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