Thinking of dipping your toes into the world of essential oils? There’s TONS of information out there at your disposal. I now reach for oils first when I have minor ailments and am intrigued by the research out there involving essential oils and chronic/serious illnesses. My journey into oils was a bit of a “CANNONBALL!!” type situation where I jumped in completely and then had to backtrack a little. I’ll save you a little trouble with my tips for where to start!
Start small.
The recommended starter kit is a bottle each of Lemon, Lavender and Peppermint Essential oils. You can find this kit on Amazon (affiliate link). There are also other reputable brands out there. Research and make your own informed decision.
Choose a carrier oil.
Fractionated Coconut Oil is the most widely recommended but can be substituted with other oils like sweet almond, jojoba, grapeseed and olive oils. This is a personal preference. The carrier oils help dilute the essential oils so they spread across more of the skin and allow a larger area for distribution. Also, since the oils are so concentrated, many oils can be a tad harsh on sensitive skin. Also a note – Lemon can cause a little photosensitivity, so if you’re using on exposed skin, make sure to protect your skin in the sun.
Get castile soap.
If you decide to make your own cleansers for face, body and household, most recipes call for castile soap. It’s ultra concentrated, too, so a bottle goes a long way. You can replace shaving cream, body wash, shampoo, baby wash, vegetable rinses and so much more with castile soap. Dr. Bronner’s is a popular brand. It’s both a fair trade brand and organic. Pick up a bottle here. (affiliate link)
Prepare for spritzing!
Spray bottles will be your friend if you intend to make your own liquid deodorants, air freshening sprays, insect repellants and more. For personal products, use glass spray bottles. Essential oils will seep into plastics and the smell will last a while. Small bottles like the ones below (affiliate link) are ideal for personal use. You can pick up larger plastic ones if you’re making cleaning products.
Roll it on.
For convenience, roller ball bottles can be pre-filled with carrier oils and essential oils so you can just grab and use. These are great to have around your desk or in your purse. As your oil collection grows, you can make your own blends, place them in roller ball bottles and give them to friends! Spread some oil love! I use these. (affiliate link)
Get Connected
Pinterest/Google/Some Other Search Engine are ESSENTIAL (ha!) when starting your essential oils journey. Or connect with aromatherapists in your area. Once your oil collection begins growing, it’s in your best interest to find out information from people who KNOW what they do. Find experts. When used correctly, oils can be a wonderful part of your personal health and beauty arsenal. There are so many tips and tricks online. Facebook has some great pages and groups that are worth searching when you’re ready.
Breathe It In
Using oils aromatically by diffusing them into the air is a wonderful, safe and simple way to reap the benefits essential oils offer. Most cool mist diffusers have timers and a small well for water. Most also shutoff when the well is dry. Diffusers are becoming easier and easier to find. I use the one below (affiliate link) and it’s great. I often diffuse oils when the stress levels are high in my house or when we’re trying to keep away illness.
This is a great jumping off point for starting your personal journey into aromatherapy. I would have never imagined myself buying into this stuff, but after using them for a couple of years now, I’m sold.
If you have your own essential oils collection, what would YOU add to this list? Comment below.
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